
This extension is enabled by default. It may be disabled by using the following option at compile time: --disable-simplexml

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

ottakar at freezed dot me
6 years ago
This XML module is not provided on a default php (v7) install on Debian GNU/Linux stretch (9.3)
Add it with: sudo apt-get install php-xml
php at irishado dot com
3 years ago
Just for the record I set up a new machine and only installed the things I needed.  we then added an upload to s3 using the AWS S3 sdk and when it was put onto the staging server the code broke this was because we hadn't installed the library.

Posting this note as it took me several days to figure this out as the php error logs were not written to the virtual host location but rather to log for the php-fpm extension.

To get the error message I had to access its error log

> tail -f /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log
Rapitharian at hotmail dot com
5 years ago
To install on CentOS and Redhat, run: sudo yum -y install php-xml
morel dot josh at hotmail dot com
7 years ago
For Linux Ubuntu using PHP 7:
sudo apt-get install php7.0-xml
shashank at shankee dot com
7 years ago
Installing simpleXml using composer:

"composer require ext-simplexml"

The extension is enabled by default in most distros. You can check the list of php modules using:

"php -m"
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